public class LinkedChainBaseimplements java.io.Serializable { private Node firstNode; private int length; public LinkedChainBase(){ clear(); } public final void clear() { //clear()在构造器中被调用了,所以此外用final修饰符 firstNode = null; length = 0; } /* * 提供操作数据域firstNode的protected方法,使得子类可以直接操作表的数据域 */ //在表的表头插入元素 protected void addFirstNode(Node newNode){ assert newNode != null:"null argument in addFirstNode"; newNode.setNextNode(firstNode); firstNode = newNode; length++; } protected Node getFirstNode(){ //获取表的第一个结点 return firstNode; } //获取表中某个位置处的结点 protected Node getNodeAt(int givenPosition){ assert (!isEmpty() && ((1 <= givenPosition) && (givenPosition <= length))); Node currentNode = firstNode; for(int counter = 1; counter < givenPosition; counter++){ currentNode = currentNode.next; } assert currentNode != null; return currentNode; } //在表中某个结点后添加新结点 protected void addAfterNode(Node nodeBefore, Node newNode){ assert newNode != null:"illegal to add a null node"; newNode.setNextNode(nodeBefore.getNextNode()); nodeBefore.setNextNode(newNode); } //删除表中的第一个结点 protected T removeFirstNode(){ T result = null; if(firstNode != null){ result = firstNode.data; firstNode = firstNode.getNextNode(); } return result; } //删除表中的指定结点后的其他结点// protected T removeAfterNode(Node nodeBefore){// // } public boolean isEmpty() { //判断链表是否为空 boolean result; if(length == 0){ assert firstNode == null; result = true; } else{ assert firstNode != null; result = false; } return result; } public int getLength() { //获取表的长度 return length; } public void display() { //遍历表,显示表中的每个结点的值 Node currentNode = firstNode; while(currentNode != null){ System.out.println(currentNode.data); currentNode = currentNode.next; } } public T getEntry(int givenPosition) { //获取指定位置的结点的值 T result = null; if((!isEmpty()) && ((givenPosition >= 1) && (givenPosition <= getLength()))){ result = getNodeAt(givenPosition).getData(); } return result; } public boolean contains(T anEntry) { //判断链表中的结点是否包含某个值 boolean found = false; Node currentNode = getFirstNode(); while(!found && currentNode != null){ if(currentNode.getData().equals(anEntry)){ found = true; break; } currentNode = currentNode.getNextNode(); } return found; } /* * Node 是一个内部类,通用类型T与类中声明的通用类型相同,因此Node后面不需要 * Node 声明为protected,这样子类就可以访问Node类中的方法,从而直接地操作线性表的数据域,提高操作效率 */ protected class Node{ private T data; private Node next; protected Node(T dataPortion){ data = dataPortion; next = null; } private Node(T dataPortion, Node nextNode){ data = dataPortion; next = nextNode; } protected T getData(){ return data; } protected void setData(T dataPortion){ data = dataPortion; } protected Node getNextNode(){ return next; } protected void setNextNode(Node nextNode){ next = nextNode; } }}
import linklist.ListInterface;public class SortedLinkList> extends LinkedChainBase implements ListInterface ,java.io.Serializable { //有序表中的元素之所以是有序的,主要是通过该add方法来保证的 @Override public boolean add(T newEntry) { Node newNode = new Node(newEntry); Node nodeBefore = getNodeBefore(newEntry); if(nodeBefore == null) addFirstNode(newNode); else addAfterNode(nodeBefore, newNode); return true; } private Node getNodeBefore(T anEntry){ Node currentNode = getFirstNode(); Node nodeBefore = null; //对待插入的元素与有序表中的元素进行比较,保证元素有序 while((currentNode != null) && (anEntry.compareTo(currentNode.getData()) > 0)){ nodeBefore = currentNode; currentNode = currentNode.getNextNode(); } return nodeBefore; } @Override public boolean add(int givenPosition, T newEntry) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("illegal to add element at a specified position."); } @Override public T remove(int givenPosition) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("illegal to add element at a specified position."); } @Override public boolean replace(int givenPosition, T newEntry) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("illegal to add element at a specified position."); }}
参考《数据结构与算法分析 第二版 JAVA语言描述》Frank M. Carrano 著